Bounded buffer

Mandatory assignment


The bounded-buffer problems (aka the producer-consumer problem) is a classic example of concurrent access to a shared resource. A bounded buffer lets multiple producers and multiple consumers share a single buffer. Producers write data to the buffer and consumers read data from the buffer.

  • Producers must block if the buffer is full.
  • Consumers must block if the buffer is empty.


Among the slides you find self study material about classic synchronization problems. In these slides the bounded buffer problem is described. Before you continue, make sure to read the self study slides about the bounded buffer problem.


A bounded buffer with capacity N has can store N data items. The places used to store the data items inside the bounded buffer are called slots. Without proper synchronization the following errors may occur.

  • The producers doesnā€™t block when the buffer is full.
  • Two or more producers writes into the same slot.
  • The consumers doesn’t block when the buffer is emtpy.
  • A Consumer consumes an empty slot in the buffer.
  • A consumer attempts to consume a slot that is only half-filled by a producer.
  • Two or more consumers reads the same slot.
  • And possibly more …

Overview of the provided source code

You will implement the bounded buffer as an abstract datatype. These are the files you will use to implement and test your implementation.

The internal representation of the bounded buffer and the public API is defined in mandatory/src/bounded_buffer.h.
The implementation of the API will be in the mandatory/src/bounded_buffer.c file.
To test your various aspect of your implementation a collection of tests are provided in the mandatory/src/bounded_buffer_test.c file. Here you can add your own tests if you want.
The mandatory/src/bounded_buffer_test.c program make it easy to test the implementation for different sizes of the buffer and different numbers of producers and consumers.

Supported platforms

The provided code has been developed and tested on the department Linux system and macOS. Most likely you will be able to use any resonable modern version of Linux.


You will us the psem semaphores to synchronize the bounded buffer.

Data structures

To implement the bounded buffer you will use two C structures and an array of C structures.


The buffer will store tuples (pairs) with two integer elements a and b. A tuple is represented by the following C struct.

typedef struct {
  int a;
  int b;
} tuple_t;

Buffer array

To implement the bounded buffer a finite size array in memory is shared by a number for producer and consumer threads.

  • Producer threads ā€œproduceā€ an item and place the item in the array.
  • Consumer threads remove an item from the array and ā€œconsumeā€ it.

In addition to the shared array, information about the state of the buffer must also be shared.

  • Which slots in buffer are free?
  • To which slot should the next data item be stored?
  • Which parts of the buffer are filled?
  • From which slot should the next data item be read?

In the below example three data items B, C and D are currently in the buffer. On the next write data will be written to index in = 4 . On the next read data will be read from index out = 1.

Buffer struct

The buffer is represented by the following C struct.

typedef struct {
  tuple_t *array;
  int     size;
  int     in;
  int     out;
  psem_t  *mutex;
  psem_t  *data;
  psem_t  *empty;
} buffer_t;

The purpose of the struct members are described below.

tuple_t *array
This pointer will point to a dynamically allocated array of buffer items of type tuple_t.
int size
The number of elements in the array, i.e., the size of the buffer.
int in
The index in the array where the next item should be produced.
int out
The index in the array from where the next item should be consumed.
psem_t *mutex
A binary semaphore used to enforce mutual exclusive updates to the buffer.
psem_t *data
A counting semaphore used to count the number of items in the buffer. This semaphore will be used to block consumers if the buffer is empty.
psem_t *empty
A counting semaphore used to count the number of empty slots in the buffer. This semaphore will be used to block producers if the buffer is full.

Critical sections and mutual exclusion

All updates to the buffer state must be done in a critical section. More specifically, mutual exclusion must be enforced between the following critical sections:

  • A producer writing to a buffer slot and updating in.
  • A consumer reading from a buffer slot and updating out.

A binary semaphore can be used to protect access to the critical sections.

Synchronize producers and consumers

Producers must block if the buffer is full. Consumers must block if the buffer is empty. Two counting semaphores can be used for this.

Use one semaphore named empty to count the empty slots in the buffer.

  • Initialise this semaphore to N.
  • A producer must wait on this semaphore before writing to the buffer.
  • A consumer will signal this semaphore after reading from the buffer.

Use one semaphore named data to count the number of data items in the buffer.

  • Initialise this semaphore to 0.
  • A consumer must wait on this semaphore before reading from the buffer.
  • A producer will signal this semaphore after writing to the buffer.

Initialization example

A new bounded buffer with 10 elements will be represented as follows.

The empty semaphore counts the number of empty slots in the buffer and is initialized to 10. Initially there are no data element to be consumed in the buffer and the data semaphore is initialized to 0. The mutex semaphore will be used to enforece mutex when updating the buffer and is initialized to 1.


To complete the implementation you must add code at a few places.

Pointers to C structs

Make sure you know how to use pointers to C strutcs before you continue.

Step by step workflow

You will complete the implementaion step by step.

For each step you will need to add code to a single function in the mandatory/src/bounded_buffer.c source file. For each step there is also a test in the mandatory/src/bounded_buffer_test.c source file that should pass without any failed assertions.

In the terminal, navigate to the mandatory directory. Use make to compile the program.


Run the test(s).


An example of a failed test where the assertion that the buffer size should be 10 fails.

==== init_test ====

Assertion failed: (buffer.size == 10), function init_test, file src/bounded_buffer_test.c, line 24.

When a test passes you will see the following output.


Step 1 - Buffer initialization

You must complete the buffer initialization.


Make sure to initialize all members of the buffer_t struct.

Step 2 - Buffer destruction

You must complete the buffer destruction.


Deallocate all resources allocated by buffer_init().

  • Use free() to dealloacte the buffer array.
  • Use psem_destroy() to deallocate all semaphores.
  • Set all pointers to NULL after dealloacation to avoid dangling pointers.

Step 3 - Print the buffer


Add code to print all elements of the buffer array.

Step 4 - Put an item into the buffer


Here you need to:

  • add the needed synchronization
  • update the buffer->in index make sure it wraps around.

Step 5 - Get an item out of the buffer


Here you need to:

  • add the needed synchronization
  • update the buffer->out index make sure it wraps around.

Step 6 - Concurrent puts and gets

For this step you only need to run the concurrent_put_get_test. If the test doesn’t terminate you most likely have made a mistake with the synchronization of buffer_put and/or buffer_get that result in a deadlock.

Stress testing

It is now time to test the bounded buffer with multiple concurrent producers and consumers. In mandatory/src/bounded_buffer_stress_test.c you find a complete test program that creates:

  • a bounded buffer of size s
  • p producer threads, each producing n items into the buffer
  • c consumer threads, each consuming m items from the buffer

For the test program to terminate, the total number of consumed items (c*m) must equal the total number of items produced (p*n). Run the stress test.


Default stress test

The default stress test will now be exuded. On success you should see output similar to the following.

Test buffer of size 10 with:

 20 producers, each producing 10000 items.
 20 consumers, each consuming 10000 items.

Verbose: false

The buffer when the test ends. 

---- Bounded Buffer ----

size: 10
  in: 0
 out: 0

array[0]: (7, 9994)
array[1]: (15, 9999)
array[2]: (13, 9998)
array[3]: (4, 9999)
array[4]: (7, 9995)
array[5]: (13, 9999)
array[6]: (7, 9996)
array[7]: (7, 9997)
array[8]: (7, 9998)
array[9]: (7, 9999)

---------------------draft: false

====> TEST SUCCESS <====

Note the ====> TEST SUCCESS <==== at the end.

Overriding the default parameters

The default values for test parameters can be overridden using the following flags.

-sSize of the bufferpositive integer
-pNumber of producer threadspositive integer
-nNumber of items produced by each producerpositive integer
-cNumber of consumer threadspositive integer
-mNumber of items consumed by each consumerpositive integer
-vTurns on verbose outputno argument

In the following example, the default buffer size 10 is changed to 3.

./bin/bounded_buffer_stress_test -s 3

Experiment with different values for the test parameters.

Code grading questions

Here are a few examples of questions that you should be able to answer, discuss and relate to the source code of you solution during the code grading.

  • What do we mean by a counting semaphore?
  • What happens when you do wait on counting semaphore?
  • What happens when you do signal on a counting semaphore?
  • Explain how producers and consumers are synchronized in order to:
    • block consumers if the buffer is empty
    • block producers if the buffer is full.
  • Explain why mutex locks cannot be used to synchronize the blocking of consumers and producers.
  • Explain why you must ensure mutual exclusive (mutex) when updating the the buffer array and the in and out array indexes.
  • Explain how you achieve mutual exclusion (mutex) when updating the the buffer array and the in and out array indexes.