C learning resources
For the tutorials and programming assignments you will be required to use the C programming language. If you are new to C or need to refresh you knowledge there are plenty of resources available on the web. On this page you find a small collections of recommended links.
A short introduction to C programming
- C Programming Introduction (PDF) is a comprehensive set of slides introducing the basic concepts of C programming put together by Md Tahseen Anam, teaching assistant on the OS (1DT044) course, autumn 2020.
C programming tutorials
- The Basics of C Programming: A very nice online tutorial over the entire C language.
- Online C reference: An easy to navigate reference to the C programming language.
- Online C tutorial:
Pointer fun with Blinky
- Pointer Fun in C wiht Binky (Youtube): Binky talks about pointers, pointees and the dereference operator (magic wand of dereference).
- Reference Fun in Java with Binky (Youtube): The classic Binky video but with code examples in Java.
Online books
- The online C book: This is the online version of The C Book, second edition by Mike Banahan, Declan Brady and Mark Doran, originally published by Addison Wesley in 1991.
C for java programmers
- C and C++ for Java Programmers: If you are familiar with the Java programming language already but are new to the C programming language, this might be for you.
- C for Java Programmers (PDF): This is another introduction to the C programming language for people who already know Java.